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No option but to succeed: Yunus

Chief Adviser to the interim government Prof Muhammad Yunus today said students want them to carry out meaningful and deep reforms, which will turn the country into a “real and thriving democracy”.
“I must succeed. We have no other option,” he said, while addressing foreign diplomats during a “Meet and Greet” session at a hotel in Dhaka.
“The task is huge, but doable with the support of all people and the international community,” he added.
Criticising the Sheikh Hasina government, he said, “In their efforts to stay in power, the Sheikh Hasina dictatorship destroyed every institution of the country. Judiciary was broken. Democratic rights were suppressed through a brutal decade-and-a-half long crackdown. Elections were rigged blatantly. Generations of young people grew up without exercising their voting rights. Banks were robbed with full political patronisation. And the state coffer was plundered by abusing power.”
The chief adviser reaffirmed that they would hold a free, fair and participatory election as soon as they can complete their mandate to carry out vital reforms in the election commission, judiciary, civil administration, security forces and media.
“We will also make sincere efforts to promote national reconciliation.”
He said a new era has begun as the students impressed upon them their dream of a country where people, regardless of their political, religious or ethnic identity, will be able to fulfil their aspirations and enjoy full freedom of expression, with the government upholding democracy, justice, human rights and freedom of speech.
He added that the top priority of the interim government would be to bring the law and order situation under control.
“We will be close to normalcy within a short period of time, with the unwavering support of our people and patriotic armed forces. The police force has also resumed their operations. The armed forces will continue to serve in aid of civil power as long as the situation warrants.”
Saying that Bangladesh stands at the crossroads of a new beginning, Prof Yunus said, “Our valiant students and people deserve a lasting transformation of our nation. It is a difficult journey and we need your help along the way.”
He added, “We need to fulfil their aspirations. The sooner the better. We have to create opportunities to build a poverty-free and prosperous new Bangladesh.”
