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Man apologises for causing massive 1-hour jam on PIE

We are not going to lie.
Our first reaction to a congestion on an expressway is one of exasperation.
But Goh Yong Wei’s video on TikTok has got us rethinking our response the next time we are caught in a traffic jam.
“A few days ago, I caused a huge traffic jam that lasted almost an hour,” he said before apologising if anyone was late for work because of him.
Yongwei, who owns ice cream café Heartbreak Melts in Ang Mo Kio, went on to share that he was on his way to in-pro for reservist and was driving along the PIE, when he noticed a bike lying in the middle of the expressway.
“The bike very tired meh? Need to lie down and sleep in the middle of the road?” he wondered.
Can we blame him for not knowing that there was someone in need? Especially when he saw no one stopping to assist.
“Everybody heck care and bochup,” he ranted.
Turns out there was a female biker who was injured and lying on the road. 
“Nobody knows how long she has been lying there or whether it was a hit-and-run,” he said.
Wait… are Singaporeans so busy that only Yongwei stopped to check on the injured motorist?
“What I know is that she’s all alone and crying in a very dangerous position,” he said, adding that “her hands and legs were all bloody and looks broken”.
Yongwei then reminded everyone to be careful when they spot such accidents and to make sure it’s safe to approach.
“Like how I used my car to block traffic from hitting me while I go down to help. You don’t want to end up becoming the second accident at the same place,” he said. 
As Yongwei called for an ambulance, he credits another motorist, Mr. Boh, who tried to contact her next of kin.
Both men stayed to comfort the woman while reminding her not to move as they weren’t sure if she had any spinal injuries from the accident.
By a stroke of luck, two Special Operations Command (SOC) vehicles appeared and helped to guide traffic.
“It’s quite funny. It made this small, little accident look like something super serious till it needed Special forces,” he said.
Yongwei then gave useful tips such as reminding victims not to move and to always give specific instructions when calling the ambulance.
“Lastly, don’t bochup lah! Imagined if this happened to you and everybody just walks away,” he chided.
He ended his post asking that road users “stay safe, ride safe” before reminding everyone in the captions: “Five minutes late for your appointment is better than five days in the hospital.”
Netizens in the comments praised Yongwei for his selfless act while also wondering why the other motorists could just drive past the woman without helping
“Perfectly sums up our country,” read a comment.
With kind souls like Yongwei, we would like to think bochup citizens are the minority here.
In the captions, he shared that the female biker made it to the hospital and is recovering well. However, due to privacy laws, he is not allowed to share further updates on her condition or to visit her.
Photos: yongwei92/TikTok
